Friday, February 20, 2015

Bizarre Food Phobias, Phobia terhadap Makanan

Istilah Phobia artinya ketakutan atau kecemasan yang sifatnya tidak rasional. Phobia bukanlah penyakit berbahaya, tetapi kalau dibiarkan bisa mengganggu dan membuat tidak nyaman. Menurut buku Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder IV (DSM-IV), phobia terbagi dalam 2 jenis. Pertama, phobia sosial adalah ketakutan situasi sosial di mana seseorang mungkin diamati orang lain, atau terkait dengan kehadiran orang lain. Kedua, phobia spesifik yakni ketakutan yang tidak diinginkan karena kehadiran atau antisipasi terhadap objek atau situasi yang spesifik. Khusus phobia spesifik ini terbagi menjadi berbagai macam phobia, termasuk phobia aneh terhadap makanan. Berikut beberapa phobia aneh terhadap makanan. 

Alektorophobia : Fear of Chickens Phobia. 

Penderita alektorophobia takut dengan ayam dan berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengannya, seperti telur, bulu bahkan ayam mati sekalipun. Dalam beberapa kasus, sekedar ujaran atau ucapan yang mengandung kata "ayam" dapat membuat penderita phobia ini ketakutan luar biasa. 

Penderita alektorophobia percaya bahwa ayam itu buas. Mereka merasa ayam bersifat agresif, dan sering muncul untuk selalu memperhatikan orang. Gejala alektorophobia individual berbeda antara satu dan lain orang. Beberapa orang, ketika dihadapkan dengan ketakutan terhadap ayam, mungkin mulai berkeringat, sedikit tidak nyaman atau mual. bahkan beberapa di antaranya mengalami kecemasan atau serangan panik. 

Arachibutyrophobia : Fear of Peanut Butter, Takut Selai Kacang

Arachibutyrophobia adalah ketakutan berlebihan pada selai kacang yang menempel di langit-langit mulut. Orang yang memiliki phobia ini akan sangat terganggu atau malu untuk mengeluarkan selai yang terjebak di bagian atas mulutnya, terutama di tempat umum. 

Gejala phobia ini antara lain gemetar, mual, berkeringat, pusing, detak jantung meningkat, kesulitan bicara dan bekerja sewajarnya, serta panik. Malu adalah penyebab dasarnya.

Alliumphobia : Fear of Garlic, Takut terhadap Bawang Putih

Guru besar mikrobiologi Mike Konkel dan rekan-rekannya di Washington State University di Pullman melakukan uji coba dengan senyawa dalam bawang putih sebagai pengganti antibiotik karena bawang yang baunya tajam, diketahui mengandung bahan-bahan antioksidan kuat. Menurut Kornel, satu senyawa bawang putih, disebut diallyl sulfide, bila dikombinasi dengan enzim belerang, mudah menembus biofilm campylobacter. "Sulfida dialil ini mampu menembus semua lapisan permukaan bakteri, kemudian membunuh mereka, " katanya.

Meski bawang putih mengandung banyak manfaat, tetapi sepertinya tidak berpengaruh bagi pengidap alliumphobia. Penderita bisa stres berat, panik luar biasa, bahkan sesak nafas dan marah besar, kalau melihat bawang putih, baik dalam bentuk utuh ataupun dalam makanan mereka.

Cibophobia : Fear of Food, Takut terhadap Makanan/makan

Cibophobia atau rasa takut akan makanan adalah jenis phobia yang sangat kompleks dan cepat berkembang menjadi obsesi. Cibophobia seringkali disalahpahami dan dicampuradukan dengan anorexia, gangguan dalam kebiasaan makan. Perbedaan utamanya, pada anorexia, penderitanya memiliki rasa takut dan kecemasan akibat dari makanan yang ia makan terhadap tubuhnya. Sedangkan cibophonbia adalah rasa takut akan makanan itu sendiri.

Gejala cibophobia termasuk yang paling sulit dikenali. Menghindari makanan adalah salah satu yang paling umum. Makanan yang terlihat agak menjijikan seperti mayonaise dan susu adalah jenis makan yang biasa ditakuti. "Kebanyakan penderita cibophobia memiliki perhatian yuang berlebihan akan tanggal kadaluarsa suatu makanan, seringkali dijumpai penderita cibophobia mengendus makanan dengan berlebihan walaupun makanan tersebut memiliki tanggal kadaluarsa yang masih jauh," ujar Indra Irawan Garde, Psikolog.

Indra menambahkan, penyebab cibophobia belum dapat diketahui dengan pasti, namun beberapa ilmuwan memperkirakan pengalaman traumatis di masa lalu dapat menyebabkan orang menderita cibophobia.

Ichthyophobia : Fear of Fish, Takut terhadap Ikan

Hidangan laut, terutama ikan, kaya asam lemak omega 3 yang baik bagi kesehatan. Peneliti dari Wilmer Eye Institute di John Hopkins University, Carrent Swink, melaporkan dalam jurnal Ophthalmology bahwa ikan yang mengandung asam lemak omega 3 EPA dan DHA dapat melindungi AMD (degenerasi terkait usia).

"Namun bagi penderita Ichtyophobia, ikan yang kaya vitamin sangat dihindari. pemicu timbulnya ketakutan adalah ketika penderita melihat tampilan ikan. Ketakutan itu muncul saat ia melihat mata ikan yang dianggapnya sangat besar dan tubuh ikan yang berlendir," tukasnya.

Lachanophobia : Fear of Vegetables, Takut terhadap Sayuran

Banyak anak yang diklaim memiliki phobia pada sayuran. Padahal sayuran memiliki nutrisi yang sangat baik bagi tubuh. Menurut beberapa ahli, phobia sayuran dapat terjadi karena mereka pernah mendengar atau mengetahui apa saja makhluk yang hidup dalam tanah, sesuatu yang menjijikan sehingga mereka takut.

Seorang wanita Inggris, Vicki Larrieux (22) didiagnosa terkena penyakit Lachanophobia. Ia tidak bisa makan sayuran karena melihatnya saja sudah membuatnya ketakutan, berkeringat, panik dan jantungnya berdetak kencang. Selama hidupnya, Vicki hanya makan daging, kentang, sereal atau apel. Ia menolak jika diberi makan sayur, terutama wortel. "Sejak kecil, saya tidak suka dengan sayuran. Wortel adalah sayuran paling saya tidak suka,"ujarnya seperti dilansir Dailymail.

Setelah ke dokter, ketakutan Vicki pada sayuran ternyata penyakit yang disebut Lachanophobia. Ketakutan yang sangat langka ini menimpa 13 persen orang di Inggris. "Teknik yang digunakan untuk menyembuhkan penderita Lachanophobia adalah Psychological Re-Programming. Di mana otak seorang Lachanophobia akan diprogram dan dikontrol untuk tidak gelisah atau panik ketika melihat benda yang mereka takuti," ujar Fabian Dirck, dokter yang menangani Vicki.

Mageirocophobia : Fear of Cooking, Takut terhadap Kegiatan Memasak

Kata Mageirocophobia berasal dari kata Yunani mageirokos yang berarti orang yang ahli memasak. Namun Mageirocophobia justru sangat meng- hindari kegiatan memasak, hal ini dapat menimbulkan kecemasan bagi mereka.  Ada beberapa jenis ketakutan Mage- irocophobia yaitu beberapa orang hanya takut memasak dalam jumlah besar. sementara beberapa lainnya takut untuk terkena percikan minyak panas saat menggoreng.

Mycophobia : Fear of Mushroom, Takut terhadap Jamur

Jamur memang memiliki tampilan yang kurang menarik, tetapi bahan makanan ini sangat lezat ketika diolah menjadi saus atau topping. Orang dengan Mycophobia akan merasa takut bahkan sesak nafas saat mengkonsumsinya.

Harus diakui penampilan jamur yang baru dipanen memang tidak begitu menggiurkan karena biasanya tertutup debu, kotoran atau pupuk. Banyaknya kotoran yang ada pada jamur mendasari timbulnya phobia bagi sebagian orang. 

Koran Jakarta Senin, 2 Februari 2015


Monday, November 10, 2014

Menikmati Ronde Jahe yang Asli dan Enak di Bandung

Ronde Jahe adalah sejenis minuman hangat rasa jahe terdiri dari bola-bola tepung ketan yang diisi dengan kacang tanah yang gurih. Kalau ke Bandung, mampir ke Jl. Alkateri Dalam No. 8. seberang Kedai Kopi Purnama. Bukanya Malam hari. Minggu tutup. Penjualnya masih generasi pertama. Cabangnya banyak di mana-mana, dikelola oleh anak dan cucunya. Namun rasa yang aslinya memang hanya di sini. Namanya juga Ronde Jahe Alkateri, ya aslinya yang di jalan Alkateri...

Tersedia gula putih atau merah (gula aren). Terserah sesuai selera. Bolanya ada yang besar (berisi kacang tanah) dan kecil (kosong).

Ini no telpnya kalau mau pesan 022.70315631 dan 081.220.27385

Friday, August 16, 2013













Sitting at 750m above sea level, Lake Lungern is located in the highest part of the central Swiss canton of Obwalden. So pure that you can drink the water, this body of water is one of the smallest in our selection measuring just 1.2 miles by 800m (at its widest) and 0.8square miles. At the southern end of the lake the quaint village of Lungern, made famous by its underground shooting range. However it is the northern end which you will have to pass through to access the lake as it is the only opening through the magnificent peaks which surround the water. Lepidopterists will be delighted to hear that one of the highlights in the area is a butterfly trail of 9.6 miles featuring 100 varieties of butterfly.
In addition to the usual pursuits of swimming and cycling (there is a cycle path around the lake as well as numerous others), visitors can enjoy the traditional architecture of the hamlet of Obsee, take a cable car between Lungern and Turren and relax after a long hike in Schönbüel with a yodeling brunch! For something a little less strenuous catch the train running between Interlaken and Lucerne - one of the country's finest train journeys.









Monday, August 5, 2013

Kota Bandung merupakan kota metropolitan terbesar di Jawa Barat sekaligus menjadi ibu kota provinsi. Kota ini terletak 140 km sebelah tenggara Jakarta, dan merupakan kota terbesar ketiga di Indonesia setelah Jakarta dan Surabaya menurut jumlah penduduk. Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir , Bandung dengan pesat dipenuhi oleh berbagai macam industri kreatif seperti distro, factory outlet, dan tempat kuliner yang kini semakin menjamur dan tersebar di beberapa titik kota Bandung. Hal ini membuat masyarakat menyadari bahwa Bandung memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dijadikan sebagai lahan wirausaha.
Grup Ciputra melihat potensi yang sangat besar untuk mengembangkan kawasan niaga terpadu, modern dan multifungsi di kota Bandung yaitu Bizpark Commercial Estate. Kawasan ini dibangun di area seluas ± 40 ha dan telah dikembangkan dalam 2 tahap masing-masing seluas 11 ha dan 7 ha. Bizpark Commercial Estate telah menjadi kawasan pergudangan terbaik di Bandung yang pertama dan satu-satunya yang mempunyai konsep design multiguna  yang dapat digunakan sebagai tempat penyimpanan, kantor,showroom, tempat produksi bahkan tempat tinggal yang didukung infrastruktur yang prima.
Pengelolaan di bawah Estate Management yang profesional dengan sistem keamanan selama 24 jam yang dilengkapi dengan CCTV dan one gate system dan juga kawasan bebas kuli bongkar memberikan kenyamanan dalam menjalankan usaha.
Lokasi Bizpark Commercial Estate sangat strategis dan bebas banjir, hanya berjarak ± 500 meter dari pintu keluar Tol Kopo tepatnya di Jl. Raya Kopo 455, Bandung Selatan dan dapat dilalui oleh kendaraan besar selama 24 jam.
Sejak dipasarkan dari tahun 2011, Bizpark Commercial Estate, nilai harga tanahnya terus meningkat dan berkesinambungan sehingga telah mengalami kenaikan lebih dari 100%. Disamping itu permintaan sewa atas gudang multiguna ini sangat besar dengan imbal hasil sewa per tahun mencapai 5% dari nilai investasi. Investor mendapatkan capital gain dan juga mendapatkan imbal hasil sewa yang memuaskan sehingga Bizpark Commercial Estate menjadi tempat yang paling menguntungkan untuk berinvestasi.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Ole Kirk Christiansen started making wooden toys in his small workshop in Billund, Denmark in 1932. Two years later, Ole Kirk decided upon a name for his toys and his workshop - LEGO®, a contraction of the Danish words 'leg godt,' meaning 'play well.' Coincidentally, it was later learned that LEGO in Latin means "I put together" or "I assemble." In 1947, the company bought its first plastics injection-molding machine and in 1949 the forerunner to the LEGO brick was introduced, under the name "Automatic Binding Bricks".

Inner tubes on the bricks were introduced in 1958, which significantly increased the number of possible building combinations. In 1967, the larger DUPLO® bricks for pre-school children were introduced, and LEGO TECHNIC for older children debuted in 1977. LEGO DACTA®, now know as The Educational Division, was set up in 1980. 

It was the increasing interest in the fantastic LEGO masterpieces displayed at the factories that triggered Godtfred Kirk Christiansen's idea of exhibiting the models outside. He originally envisioned just a little garden, where various LEGO models and figures could be displayed, but when work began on the project, it developed and became much larger.

In June 1968, LEGOLAND® Billund opened for the first time on a 9 acre site. All buildings, landscapes and vehicles were built using standard LEGO bricks, and the park's success exceeded everyone's expectations - in the first year alone, 625,000 happy visitors were guests at the park! 

LEGOLAND California is a 128-acre park geared specifically towards youngsters ages two through 12. With over 50 family rides, "hands-on" attractions and shows, LEGOLAND California provides education, adventure and fun in this first park of its kind in the United States.

MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS is the leading name in location-based, family entertainment, and has seen the most successful and dynamic growth of any company in the sector over the last five years. Europe’s Number 1 and the world’s second-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin now operates 87 attractions, six hotels/two holiday villages in 19 countries and across four continents. The company aims to deliver memorable and rewarding experiences to its 46 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managers and more than 17,000 employees. 

Among Merlin’s attractions are - SEA LIFE, Madame Tussauds, LEGOLAND, The EDF Energy London Eye, Dungeons, Gardaland, LEGOLAND Discovery Centres, Alton Towers Resort, Warwick Castle, THORPE PARK, Chessington World of Adventures Resort, Blackpool Tower, Heide Park, Sydney Aquarium, WILD LIFE Sydney, Sydney Tower Eye and SKYWALK, Siam Ocean World and Busan Aquarium. All brands which are distinctive, challenging and innovative – and which have great potential for growth in the future. 

Visit for more information. Merlin currently has twelve attractions in the USA including the stunning LEGOLAND Florida theme park which opened in October 2011;  LEGOLAND California theme park with its exciting Water Park, and SEA LIFE aquarium (a hotel will also open in 2013); Madame Tussauds attractions in New York, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Hollywood; LEGOLAND Discovery Centers in Chicago and Dallas/Fort Worth; and SEA LIFE aquariums in Phoenix, Arizona; Dallas/Fort Worth; the Mall of America in Minneapolis, underlining the company’s position as the world’s biggest global aquarium operator. Four more Merlin attractions are also already scheduled to open in the USA in 2012 - a SEA LIFE and LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Kansas City; Missouri; LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and a Water Park in LEGOLAND Florida. Opening Days and Hours  LEGOLAND® California is open 5 days a week, closing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but is open daily during specific holiday periods. SEA LIFE Carlsbad Aquarium is open daily.

Welcome to LEGOLAND® Malaysia!

LEGOLAND Malaysia is packed full of family fun with more than 40 rides, shows and attractions. Almost everything is hands-on, so you can push, pedal and program, or steer, squirt and splash, your way through a truly interactive experience – and of course there’s building too. LEGOLAND Malaysia has seven themed areas of attractions for all ages such as The Beginning, LEGO® Technic, LEGO Kingdoms, Imagination, LEGO City, Land of Adventure and MINILAND. It’s an inspirational land where the children are the heroes. From LEGO experiment centres to rollercoasters, the park is a day-long voyage of discovery for all the family.

The centrepiece is MINILAND, where Asian landmarks have been recreated using more than 30 million LEGO bricks. It’s an interactive world on a scale of 1:20, where people, trains and aeroplanes come to life at the touch of a button. LEGOLAND® Malaysia is open most of the day in 2012 & 2013 from 10 am until 6 pm. Longer opening hours apply on weekends, during school and public holidays. Attraction queue lines will close at posted park closing time.  LEGOLAND Express, Dino Island, and Pharoah’s Revenge will close at sunset due to safety (darkness).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

NEMO33-World's Deepest Diving Pool


A unique place to learn and experience scuba diving !

   " All what a diver needs in the same place ! "

  • For meetings :  the friendly clubhouse is rich in images and is animated by beautiful mermaids.

  • For relaxation : our scuba diving pool is heated to over 30°C

  • Training :  we are not just a diving school, we are a diving academy. Scuba diving can lead to exciting professions.
  • Restaurant: try our exceptional quality food
  • Entertainment :  the possibility to organize all type of events.
  • Services :  our job is to help you, contact us!
  • Equipment :  a dive shop will open in 2011
  • A travel agency will be operating in 2011  

" Do you remember when diving was dangerous and sex was safe "

Do you remember the long training sessions in (not so clean) swimming pools during the late evenings when the pools are even more dirty, finding balls of hair, band aids and snots, and that on top of all you have to stay long periods in those cold waters?
And after you finished your course in confined waters, you had to go and do several dives in a lake or "carriere" where water temperature is 5°C or maybe 10°C ! They used to tell you you were a "real man" because you had no fear of diving under those conditions and lack of visibility!

In 1996, John BEERNAERTS who has been diving for over 20 years, traveled and discovered new waters. At the other end of the world, men learn how to dive in a blue lagoon ... Learning to dive was easy, feeling the pleasure was immediate, and to discover the underwater world did not require suffering, it was possible to enrich youserlf intellectual and emotionally without any risk .
One evening, while waiting for a friend, John drew on a tablemat the first contourns of a unique and deep pool. The objective: recreate the conditions of Bora Bora in Brussels !
Three years of study were needed to define the boundaries of the project Twenty-one versions were tested.  It was not only to create conditions that were unknown but also to propose a global concept with different priorities :
  • The first priority was the SECURITY.  Still today, is the most important word in NEMO33 in all its aspects! During 6 years it has been demonstrated (nearly 200,000 dives and ZERO accidents!).
  • The second is the COMFORT of the users. All the concept, from its architecture, the water's quality (+30°C, transparent, clean, drinkable and without smell of chlorine), the way that things work, and the best diving materials (AQUALUNG) have been thinked to guarantee the confort of our visitors.
  • And finally, the project should be sustainable, and profitable, it would be an opportunity to check if the dimension CSR have a meaning. The "SOCIAL ROLE OF BUSINESS" has been integrated with all its components.    
  • The respect for the ENVIRONEMENT is also guaranteed with the low energy consumption, (NEMO33 consummes less than the half of a traditional pool and at the same time is warmed 5°C higher!).
  • The HUMAN respect and multiculturality.  At NEMO33 there are workers of 12 different nationalities.
  • ETHICS and RESPECT for sustainable commerce (NEMO33 favors fair trade products and small-scale producers).
Four long years of work, full of surprises and many technical challenges. Nobody had ever built such a pool. No experience on which to rely.  Then finally the opening day: 1 May 2004 The date of the entry of Slovenia into the European Union.  Two lovely Slovenians were in the line. A sign of the beginning of an international interest.

Today NEMO33 is an achievement that Belgium can be proud of!
Many tourist-divers choose Brussels as the destination of mini-trip.
In the life of a diver, NEMO33 has became a must!  All serious instructors agree when considering teaching their diver students at NEMO33, where there are no risks for beginners
On top of all the warm water at NEMO33 has a relaxing effect, breathing deeply and feeling the lack of weight are powerful anti stress . Even some say that NEMO33 is aphrodisiac...

John Beernaerts, quand il dessina NEMO33


Photo: John BEERNAERTS creator of NEMO33.

The history of NEMO33 is full of anecdotes and rumors.  Allright, the arrival of NEMO33 will change some points of view of a discipline that is only around 50 years old. Moving from prehistory to refinement and comfort was surprising or disturbing.  And it is interesting to see that some people spend their energy and time inventing nonsense rumors...

  • RUMOR#1 :   While digging down the basement for the construction of NEMO33, a house fell down and an old lady died !
  • REALITY :   It is true that during the construction of the basementes we proceed to a a drawndown of 4mts but any no harmful effect made ​​itself felt in the surroundings.   No homes have suffered the slightest crack  The closest houses are located at a minimum distance of 80m... So there was no little old lady under the rubble.
  • RUMOR #2 :    During the digging of the main pit, the work led to such movements in the basement that the rails of the nearby public transports moved and a tram derailed crushing on ... an old lady!  The STIB had to stop working!
  • REALITY :    None of this even remotely resembles the reality. There has been no movement in the basement (the method used did not alter the soil's pressure), there was no derailment, and not any old lady crushed.  But what is all about old ladies?
  • RUMOR #3 :    The NEMO33 project is in bankruptcy. The works are stopped!
  • REALITY:   It is true that the work had a long overdue. The reasons were technical and administrative. Never financial.  At no time the fundings for the project were interrupted.  Not even if the most difficoult times.
  • RUMOR #4 :   Someone had died at NEMO33 !
  • REALITY :   It is true that a serious accident took place at NEMO33.  A Dutch military has suffered a double puncture of the lungs by not respecting the ascent speed limits.  His condition was worrying.  But thanks to the competence of doctors from the military hospital, he escaped without any consequences! In this particular context, the Dutch army rents the infraestructure of NEMO33 and organize its exercises with its own protocols and security standards. They move even with a hyperbaric chamber on their truck. You  can imagin ethat the type of diving that they do is not "tourist diving" but serious "extreme" diving.  The accident was serious and required the intervention of the Belgian emergency services.  We still thank them for their diligence and competence.
  • RUMOR#5 :  The diving Federations have boycotted NEMO33 !
  • REALITY :   Instead, very quickly after the opening of NEMO33 the federation LIFRAS recognized NEMO33 as a suitable site for diving exercises. Even before the recognition of PADI and IDEA.  In NEMO33 everyone takes advantage: Beginners who are better trained, instructors can improve their education by devoting more time to their students and overall security is increased. All divers find in NEMO33 comfort and adventure.  NEMO33 is a wonderful tool to learn and practice diving.
  • RUMOR #6 :   The certifications obtained at NEMO33 are not valid !
  • REALITY:   It is possible to obtain several certifications of different federations at NEMO33.  You can find all the information in the section COURSES.  It is not anymore necesary to learn in dirty pools and freeze in cold waters to obtain a diving certification!
  • RUMEUR #7 :   NEMO33 is a french-speaking company.
  • REALITY :   It is true that not all our staff is bilingual (french-dutch) but we count with dutch native speakers in key posts.  In the reception in the pool and in the restaurant: Jolanda, ...  Actually, if you are a dutch-speaker who is interested in working with us please look in the section HOME / JOBS.

How to get to NEMO33?

In the TGV, Brussels is 1:20 away from Paris, 1:40 from Rotterdam, 2:33 from Köln (Cologne), 2:36 from London, and 3:40 from Lyon !

Adresse NEMO33

By car you can find Nemo33 by taking the exit n°18 on the "Ring Ouest" of Brusseles.

Adresse NEMO33

After you take the exit 18, continue 750 m towards "Uccle", and on the 1st  round-point (Menhirs), you will find us !

Adresse NEMO33

Address of NEMO33 Plongée :

NEMO 33 - Plongée
Rue de Stalle 333 (Rond-point des Menhirs)
1180 Uccle (Brussels) - Belgium
Telephone : +32-2-332.33.34
Email :  dive (at)
GPS :  4°19'02' Est - 50°47'46' Nord


  •  From GARE CENTRALE (Central Station) :
Travel time: 38 min
Take the metro 1b towards ERASME. Stop at "DE BROUCKERE" (2min).
Take the tram 04 towards STALLE.
Descend on the last stop: "Stalle" (26 min).
  • From "GARE du MIDI" Station :
Travel time : 23 min
Take the tram 04 towards "STALLE".
Descend on the last stop: "Stalle" (20 min).
  • From "GARE du NORD" Station :
Travel time : 32 min
Take the tram 04 towards STALLE.
Or take the tram 32 towards "Drogenbos-Château".
Descend on the stop "Stalle" (30 min).

Itinéraires en bus (STIB)…

  • from "La Bourse" take the bus 48 until the stop "Stalle".
  • from "Gare du Midi" take the bus 50, towards Lot, until the stop "Stalle".
  • from "CERIA" take the bus 98, CERIA, towards "Héros", until the stop "Stalle".


  • Take the "Ring Ouest (RO)" of Brussels (From the E19, Mons-Bergen), exit 18 (Drogenbos, Ruisbroek, Ukkel).
  • Go towards “Uccle –Ukkel”.
  • Pass the first traffic light and continue straight.  You will see the "Carrefour" and "Quick" on the left
  • After the 2nd traffic light you will arrive to the round-point (le rond-point des Menhirs).
  • The entrance of NEMO33 is on the round point.
  • NEMO33 has a FREE and spacious parking lot (more than 100 places available).  In front of NEMO there is as well another free parking lot (250 places).  If you come in "Caravan car, mobil-home or autocar you must park in that parking lot.