Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Memahami Resesi Global Saat Ini
Jika menengok ke belakang,krisis subprime mortgage yang menjadi trigger resesi global saat ini, sebenarnya bermula dari ketamakan AS sendiri. Awalnya, sekitar tahun 2003/2004 harga minyak mentah dunia mulai merangkak naik akibat imbalansi supply-demand di pasar internasional. Beberapa analis menyebutkan, terganggunya mekanisme pasar minyak dunia kala itu tidak terlepas dari gejolak politik di Timur Tengah akibat agresi militer AS beberapa waktu sebelumnya. Selanjutnya, lonjakan harga minyak menciptakan tekanan inflasi global dari sisi penawaran (supply-side).
The Fed merespon tekanan inflasi ini dengan menaikkan suku bunga. Tercatat dalam periode Mei 2004 hingga Juni 2006 Fed Fund Rate (FFR) secara gradual telah mengalami peningkatan sebesar 425 basis poin dari 1% menjadi 5,25%. FFR sebesar 5,25% ini dipertahankan hingga Agustus 2007. Dampaknya memicu kenaikan suku bunga kredit di AS, termasuk suku bunga kredit properti secara signifikan. Akibatnya, debitur yang secara profil pembayaran memang sudah rendah menjadi kian lemah dan terjadilah kredit macet (credit crunch) di sektor properti yang diiringi depresiasi aset. Berikutnya pasar KPR memburuk, portofolio dan proses sekuritisasi perumahan macet, serta bank-bank pembeli subprime loans dan investor mengalami kerugian miliaran dolar AS. Secara sistematik, gejolak keuangan ini dikenal dengan istilah subprime mortgage.
Ternyata gejolak akibat subprime mortgage sudah berlangsung lebih dari 1 tahun, sejak medio 2007. AS sebagai salah satu negara yang paling berat merasakan imbasnya dilaporkan kini tengah melakukan overhaul atas sistem keuangannya. Kegiatan “turun mesin” ini yang terbesar sejak Great Depression melanda AS pada era 1930-an. Untuk menghindari terjadinya systematic insolvency, pemerintah AS terus melakukan suntikan modal (bail-out) pada berbagai institusi keuangan. Pada Maret 2008 lalu, misalnya The Fed rela mengucurkan dana sebesar US$ 28,8 miliar pada berbagai institusi keuangan di AS, seperti Morgan Stanley dan Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Boleh dibilang kucuran kredit kepada institusi keuangan non bank di AS ini merupakan yang pertama kali dilakukan The Fed sejak 70 tahun terakhir.
Kemudian, pada September lalu, pemerintah AS juga mengucurkan US$ 25 miliar kepada dua perusahaan raksasa pembiayaan KPR, yakni Fannie Mae dan Freddie Mac. Berikutnya, Oktober ini US Treasury juga menambah kucuran dana sebesar US$ 700 miliar guna menyehatkan berbagai bank yang sakit akibat krisis. Kabar terbaru menyebutkan bahwa Gedung Putih kini tengah menyiapkan dana talangan terbaru sebesar US$ 350 miliar dalam rangka mengantisipasi gejolak keuangan lanjutan. Jika dihitung, total suntikan dana pemerintah AS dalam rangka penyelesaian krisis finansial ini sudah lebih dari US$ 1 triliun. Hingga kini, dunia sekurangnya telah mengalami sepuluh kali masa resesi. Namun, jika dilihat dari magnitudenya, sekurangnya ada 4 resesi hebat yakni pada era 1930-an, 1970-an, 1990-an dan saat ini. Dari ke-empat resesi hebat ini pada dasarnya dipicu oleh penyebab yang sama : lonjakan harga minyak, persoalan kredit macet dan deflasi aset properti. Sebagian ekonom menganggap resesi 1930-an yang paling dahsyat dari dampak yang ditimbulkan maupun durasi waktunya. Satu pembelajaran berharga dari berbagai resesi yang melanda dunia bahwa gejolak resesi biasanya diwarnai dengan tekanan inflasi dari sisi penawaran (supply side) karena lonjakan harga minyak dan komoditas internasional.
Dikutip dari Harian Kontan
Tulisan Muhammad Romli, Analis Badan Kebijakan Fiskal DEPKEU RI
Benefit of Yoghurt
Kata Yoghurt berasal dari Bahasa Turki yaitu, Jugurt atau Yogurut yang artinya Susu Asam. Secara definisi, Yoghurt adalah produk yang diperoleh dari susu yang telah dipasteurisasi, kemudian difermentasikan dengan bakteri tertentu sampai diperoleh keasaman, bau, dan rasa yang khas dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan lain yang diijinkan.
Proses fermentasi yang terjadi akan menambahkan kandungan gizinya. Komposisi Zat Gizinya mirip dengan susu. Bahkan ada beberapa komponen yang jumlahnya lebih tinggi seperti Vit B Kompleks, Kalsium dan Protein. Selama proses fermentasi susu menjadi Yoghurt terjadi sintesis Vit B Kompleks khususnya Thiamin (B1) dan Riboflavin (B2) serta beberapa Asam Amino penyusun proyein. Tak ada yang memungkiri bahwa komponen Zat Gizi tersebut sangat berguna bagi kesehatan.
Yoghurt ternyata sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan.
1. Mengkonsumsi Yoghurt dapat mengatasi intoleransi Laktosa yang biasanya diikuti oleh diare. Bakteri Asam Laktat dalam Yoghurt dapat menguraikan Laktosa Susu menjadi Monosakarida yaitu Glukosa & Galaktosa sehingga susu mudah dicerna & diserap tubuh. Selama proses pembuatan Yoghurt diperkirakan ada 30% Laktosa Susu yang diurai menjadi Glukosa & Galaktosa. Bakteri Asam Laktat juga dapat mensintesis & mengaktifkan Enzim Laktase sehingga mampu memperbaiki kerja saluran pencernaan. Dengan meminum Yoghurt secara teratur kita tidak akan lagi mengalami diare karena intoleransi Laktosa.
2. Menyembuhkan Sakit Maag. Penderita sakit maag biasanya mengalami luka pada dinding lambungnya. Asam Laktat yang terbentuk dalam Yoghurt berfungsi untuk menutupi luka tersebut. Selain itu bakteri Asam Laktat mampu membentuk Asam Organik, Hidrogen Peroksida & Bakteriosin yang bersifat Mikrosidal atau mematikan mikroba lain yang merugikan.
3. Meringankan Kerja Lambung & Sistem Pencernaan. Yoghurt bersifat mengaktifkan bakteri bersahabat dalam usus sehingga dapat memperbaiki & menyempurnakan fungsi pencernaan. Yoghurt juga punya daya antibiotika yang dapat menghindarkan pembusukan terlalu dini dalam usus halus sehingga dapat menormalkan keseimbangan di dalam usus halus. Yoghurt diperlukan oleh orang-orang yang mengalami gangguan pencernaan & para Lansia. Kadar asam lambung orang Lansia umumnya mengalami penurunan hingga 85%
4. Mencegah Osteoporosis. Salah satu pencegahan Osteoporosis adalah dengan cara mengkonsumsi makanan atau minuman yang mengandung Kalsium tinggi secara teratur. Bayangkan hanya dengan mengkonsumsi Yoghurt sebanyak 200 cc, dua kali per hari, kebutuhan Kalsium tubuh dapat terpenuhi sebanyak 600 mg. Angka kecukupan harian Kalsium untuk remaja 600-700 mg sedangkan untuk dewasa 500-800 mg.
5. Menurunkan kadar Kolesterol. Bakteri Asam Laktat yang terdapat dalam Yoghurt dapat mendegradasi Kolesterol menjadi Coprostanol yaitu sebuah Sterol yang tidak dapat diserap usus. Selanjutnya, Coprostanol & sisa Kolesterol dikeluarkan bersama sama tinja. Dengan demikian, jumlah kolesterol yang diserap tubuh menjadi rendah.
6. Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi. Konsumsi Yoghurt secara teratur dapat menurunkan Hipertensi. Peptida yang dihasilkan Protein Susu membentuk Tripeptida yang menyerupai Enzim Angiotensin I. Enzim ini berfungsi menghambat & menurunkan tekanan darah. Pada bakteri Lactobacillus Casei YIT 9018 memiliki fragmen yang akan membantu menurunkan tekanan darah Diasol & systol serta denyut jantung.
7. Mengatasi Keputihan & Infeksi Jamur. Mengkonsumsi satu gelas Yoghurt setiap hari mampu mengurangi & menghambat pertumbuhan jamur di dalam organ intim wanita. Karena itu Infeksi Jamur penyebab keputihan dapat dicegah dan diatasi.
8. Mencegah Kanker. Terutama Kanker Colon (usus besar), Servics (karena adanya Asam Folat) & Prostat (karena adanya Mineral Seng/Zn dalam Yoghurt). Beberapa kandungan mineral atau zat dalam Yoghurt dapat berfungsi sebagai Anti Karsinogen. Kandungan Kalsium yang cukup tinggi dalam Yoghurt dapat mengurangi resiko seseorang terkena Kanker Colon. Senyawa yang terkandung dalam Yoghurt akan memacu senyawa Interferon & memproduksi sel Naturalkiller yang akan menggempur bibit Tumor & Kanker.
9. Menyegarkan Pernapasan. Napas yang berbau tidak sedap salah satu penyebabnya adalah kuman atau bakteri. Mengkonsumsi Yoghurt sebanyak 170 gram setiap hari dapat membuat napas menjadi segar & bau mulut hilang. Selain itu plak pada gigi & penyakit radang gusi juga menurun
10. Melangsingkan Tubuh. Komponen dalam Yoghurt yang dapat membantu melangsingkan tubuh adalah Kalsium. Banyak ahli meyakini bahwa ada hubungan antara Kalsium & berat badan. Kalsium dalam Yoghurt mampu melawan Kolesterol dengan cara menghambat penyerapan lemak jenuh dalam saluran pencernaan.
11. Meningkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh. Yoghurt diketahui mengandung mineral Seng (Zn) yang memiliki fungsi & kegunaan sbb :
Menghidupkan kembali fungsi-fungsi kekebalan.
Menaikkan Kadar Albumin yang merupakan penanda Hayati Umur Panjang.
Melawan Radikal Bebas.
12. Meningkatkan Gairah Seksual. Kekurangan Seng (Zn) dapat menyebabkan impotensi. Jumlah sperma berkurang drastis dan testis tidak berkembang optimal. Seng dibutuhkan untuk membentuk dihidrositestosteron (DHT), yaitu enzim penting dalam hormon testosteron. Jika asupan seng dari makanan tidak mencukupi, produksi DHT akan terhambat. Akibatnya jumlah testosteron kurang dari takaran semestinya. Jika kekurangan seng terus dibiarkan menahun bisa menyebabkan radang kelenjar prostat.
Sementara itu, fungsi seng bagi perempuan adalah membantu memperlama pembasahan dinding vagina. Selain mineral seng, Yoghurt juga mengandung vitamin neurotropik yang sangat berperan untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan suami isteri karena berfungsi melancarkan fungsi saraf dan kerja otot kelamin. Vitamin neurotropik disebut juga Vitamin B Kompleks yang terdiri dari Vit B1, B6 dan B12. Vitamin B12 membantu mengatasi menurunnya produksi hormon testosteron pada laki-laki dan progesteron pada perempuan. Vitamin B1 membantu menggiatkan kerja kelenjar adrenal sehingga dapat meningkatkan gairah seks seseorang. Vitamin B6 bersama mineral seng dan magnesium bisa mempertahankan ereksi lebih lama.
13. Menjaga Kesehatan Ibu Hamil. Nutrisi yang dibutuhkan Ibu Hamil adalah Kalsium, Protein, Karbohidrat & Jenis Lemak tertentu agar bayi tumbuh secara optimal. Yoghurt adalah sumber kalsium, protein & asam Folat. Kalsium untuk kesehatan tulang baik untuk Ibu maupun bayinya. Kalsium dalam Yoghurt sangat mudah diserap & jumlahnya cukup tinggi. Asam Folat untuk mencegah cacat lahir pada lempeng saraf & otak (Neural tube defect atau NTD). Selain dari Yoghurt Asam Folat juga dapat diperoleh dari Jus Jeruk, Sayuran Hijau, Kacang-kacangan, Polong-polongan & Brokoli.
Hub : 031-7167 5005 (Surabaya), 022-7033 2001 (Bandung)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
TIPS-Membuat Kaldu Lebih Gurih
- Untuk membuat kaldu daging, sebaiknya tulang yang digunakan masih mempunyai daging, lalu diberikan seledri, daun bawang dan kupasan kulit wortel. Selanjutnya air direbus dengan api kecil selama 4 jam. Niscaya kita bakal mendapatkan kaldu yang sangat gurih.
- Untuk membuat kaldu ayam caranya hampir sama dengan kaldu daging. Tulang, ceker, kepala dan leher ayam direbus bersama seledri, daun bawang serta kulit wortel dengan api kecil selama 2 jam.
- Untuk kaldu ikan, kepala, duri dan ekor ikan direbus bersama bawang bombai rajang, bawang putih geprak serta jahe geprak dengan api kecil selama satu setengah jam.
- Untuk kaldu udang. Kepala dan kulit udang direbus bersama bawang putih geprak, jahe dan bawang bombai dengan menggunakan api kecil selama 1 jam. Cocok untuk membuat masakan berkuah yang di dalamnya mengandung udang, baik udang langsung maupun olahan.
- Kaldu telur asin. Merah telur asin ditumis dengan api kecil hingga beraroma matang dan tidak amis. lalu masukkan air panas, seledri, daun bawang dan kulit wortel rebus selama 30 menit. Kemudian angkat, saring. Kaldu ini dapat digunakan untuk aneka masakan.
- Bubuk Teri. Cuci terlebih dahulu teri Medan, tiriskan dan jemur selama setengah hari. Lalu sangrai dan haluskan. Bubuk teri dapat digunakan untuk mengharumkan berbagai masakan.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
How to Play Chess
Chess rules are relatively easy to learn, I would say that they are somewhere around a medium level of difficulty. What makes the game so complex and beautiful at the same time is the huge number of possible moves at any point during the game.
What you need
Chess is an abstract battle board game played between two opponents.
The ingredients required to play the game are:
- a square shaped board divided into 64 squares alternatively colored in black and white;
- 32 pieces: 16 white pieces for one player and 16 black pieces for the other player.
The chess board is placed in between the two opponents in such a manner that each of them has a black square on the left corner of the board. Both players start off with an identical set of 16 pieces: 8 pawns , 2 rooks , 2 knights , 2 bishops , a queen and a king .
In the table below are shown the 6 types of pieces along with their names and symbols. I should point out that the name and thus the symbol of the pieces is different from one language to another.
Chessman | Name | Symbol |
The king | K | |
The queen | Q | |
The rook | R | |
The bishop | B | |
The knight | N | |
The pawn | P |
Chess board setup
Chess rules
Each player must move one piece at a time. So, in fact, the game is played in a succession of moves. Each piece moves after a certain rule form one square to another and the game always starts with the player having the white pieces, making the first move. A piece can also capture an enemy piece according to certain rules. Some pieces are more important than others depending on their range of action and their value; for example: the queen is the strongest piece on the board because it has the greatest range of action while the king is the most important piece because it is the main piece targeted by the enemy attack. There are times when a move implies the movement of two pieces: when capturing, castling or promoting a pawn; for example when a player captures a piece he takes that piece outside the board and move his own piece in its place.
The purpose of the game
The game revolves around attacking the other side's king. When a king is under the threat of being captured it is said that the king is in check (usually the side attacking the king announce this by saying 'check' but this is not imposed by the rules). When a king is in check it must be moved otherwise it risks being captured (many people don't know this but the king can be captured).
The objective of each player is to checkmate his opponent. That means bringing the enemy king in such a position that when attacked it has no available square on which to move. When a player checkmates his opponent king he wins the game.
While the game evolves both players develop their positions by making various moves and capturing various pieces. This means that the number of pieces will diminish along the game. As you will see in the following articles, because of this, the game's priorities will change along its duration. The rules will remain the same but the objectives will be slightly different. This is why the game can be divided into three different parts depending on the number and the position of the pieces: the opening, the middle game , the end game.
There are times when neither of both sides can win the game. In this case the game ends at equality and it is said to be a draw(a tie). This situations are quite frequent especially when both players are around the same level of expertise. The game doesn't need to be balanced in order for the game to end a draw. This is thoroughly discussed at draw and stalemate.
If the game reaches to a point where the advantage of on side is obvious or a draw is inevitable, the game could be ended if both players agree on the result of the game.
Chess notation
If you want to better understand the chess rules you will have to study various games. In order to do that you will have to know how the games are recorded. There are more than one official ways of writing down a game. We will use in this site only one type of notation, the most common one : algebraic chess notation. The notation is quite simple. In order to realize what went where, each square has its own coordinate. Each row (called a rank) of the board has a number from 1 to 8 and each column (called a file) a letter from a to h, each of those directions starting from the left corner on the side of the white pieces. This way each square, sometimes called a field, has its own unique coordinate (made of the intersection of a line with a column) as shown in the board below. This subject is covered at notation.
In the above paragraph I talked about directions (the rows 1 - 8 and the columns a to h). I should point out that beside those type of directions we also have another type : the diagonals. The diagonals are made of squares of the same color. Look at the following example: through the b3 passes two diagonals d1-a4 and a2-g8 (marked in red), the rank 3 and the file b (marked in green).The diagonal a1-h8 is called the main black diagonal and h1-a8 is called the main white diagonal.
Some other chess rules
There are also some conduct rules you should know about:- Don't pressure your opponent in moving to fast. Remember: this is a game of patience!
- If you moved a piece you can't take back your move.
- If you touched a piece than you must move that piece. If you want to arrange a piece that might be a little bit outside a square than you must announce your opponent.
- If you moved a piece on a square and you didn't take your hand off it, you can move it on another square.
If your opponent lets you, you can take back your move or move a piece different that the one you touched.
This are all the chess rules you need to know for now. There are other rules concerning how the game is played in official competitions that you can find on the world chess federation site, but I suggest you learn them after you know how to play chess. And in order to know how to do that you need to know the chess rules concerning how each piece moves and captures. You can read about that by going to the next article.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Taking a Japanese Bath-ONSEN
- Washing carefully BEFORE you enter the water is the most important part (except for maybe remembering to take off your clothes).
- Most Japanese baths will have small stools to sit on and a separate washing area away from the water. In very simple or very traditional baths, however, you'll need to crouch by the edge of the bath and scoop bathwater directly out to rinse yourself -- it's okay in these baths if you don't have soap.
- Most simple to medium-range onsen expect you to bring your own soap and face towel, and even at many fancy places you can often save 300-500 yen by bringing your own. At some high-end places, all towels, soap, shampoos, and other toiletries are included in the entry fee.
- It's best to use coin lockers for any valuable items or documents (though theft in Japan is rare).
- In most onsen, taking photographs is not allowed.
- Use care and common sense about entering and exiting -- many surfaces are slippery.
- Many onsen ryokan (hotels) have alternating male-only and female-only hours, so be attentive: the bath you entered the day before might be reserved for the opposite sex the following day.
- You will sometimes even see Japanese slopping their towels in the water or (horrors!) wringing them out in the bathwater, but this is very rude. ALWAYS make sure you're as clean as possible before entering the water, and never rinse your towel in the bath or let it touch the water.
- Many people prefer to put their towel on their head while bathing, but setting it on a rock or the side of the bath is acceptable too. If it accidentally slips into the water, wring it out outside the bath.
- Never try to peek through the partitions or around walls to see the other gender's bathing area.
- Don't swim in the bath...use it only for quiet soaking and contemplation.
- After leaving the bath, wipe off excess water and sweat as best as possible with your face towel prior to re-entering the locker room.
- Many onsen have rooms where you can lie down and nap, drink a cold beer or tea, or even sit in a massage chair. Don't be afraid to take advantage of these post-bath relaxation opportunities!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
How To Play: Blackjack
How To Play: Blackjack
Blackjack is a one-on-one game between player and banker. The rules are surprisingly easy, but the pace is fast, so it really tests a player’s skill and memory, which is why it is so popular around the world.
The key aim in Blackjack is to have more total points than the banker with a maximum of 21. The banker deals two cards to each player and one to himself. Players look at the sum of their cards and decide whether to stand, hit, split, or double down. A player can take cards until he senses the total is sufficient or if the total points exceeds 21, which is a bust. When all players have drawn their cards, the banker takes his second card and then hits for himself.
Calculation of points
In Blackjack, the ace scores either one point or 11 points; the number cards from 2 to 9 score at face value; and 10, jack, queen and king score 10 points.
Players can draw a card with any point total, while the banker must draw cards for all totals less than or equal to 16.
If the sum of the first two cards equals 21, it’s called a blackjack. It’s possible to achieve 21 with more than two cards, though this combination is not called a blackjack.
Splitting Pairs
If a player has two cards of the same value, such as two aces or two 9’s, he can split them into two different hands.
Doubling Down
When a player receives the initial two cards, he has the option of doubling his bet. After doubling, a player can only draw once.
Take Insurance
If the banker’s first card is an ace, the players can make a supplementary bet called “insurance”. If in the end the banker gets Blackjack, the player who has taken insurance can win twice that supplementary bet.
Five Dragons
As long as the banker’s first card is not an ace, a player with 5 cards totalling no more than 21 points can demand to be paid half his bet. However, this is not the standard practice in Macau casinos.
Commonly Used Gestures
Hit: Use your fingers to tap lightly in front of your cards or brush towards you
Stand: With palm facing down, shake your hand from left to right over your cards (without touching them)
Pass: Slide your fingers on the table from left to right.